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4:39 p.m. - 2007-01-01
New Year Reflections
Well here I am in a new year. My birthday is coming. The festivities continue. It has been quite a year. My business has been florishing than suddenly slowed. I need to retink my stratagies. It is scary and exciting. I spent most of the day writing an article. I resolve to pay more mind to my creative side.
I'm redesigning my bedroom. something more luxorius. I will part with my seascape theme for now.
Did all the new year stuff. opened the front door to welcome in the new while opening the back door to let out the old. I ate cabbage, black-eyed peas and oysters for luck. I spent the day doing things I love. At midnight I was listening to Beethoven's 'Ode to Joy' and eating grapes.
This is the masses new year , so I tap into that energy. For me the real new year is Spring time. another opportunity for reflection and re-organization. Happy New Year.


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