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8:02 a.m. - 2006-11-12
Voices, voices and more voices. Accents from all over the country, indeed all over the world. The emotion behind the words. The richness or squeakiness of the voice.
All these things were brought to light for me yesterday. I did a workshop with author Barbara Samuals on voice.
There is so much about how we speak. and why. it is a snapshot of who we are. Where we grew up and other places we lived . How we re-invented ourselves along the way. Our culture and other cultures around us. The things we love or dread all come through.
As a writer I realize that no matter how many kinds of writing I do, no matter how out there I get. I always come back to my core values. Honesty, Integrity, valour. Being kind to each other is my formula to save the world. It seems so simple.
As a writer, I create characters that are multi-faceted. These aspects will help me to achieve that.
For today, I have decided to spend the day listening.


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